Jordan Lydia Verla – Healthy Competition: From Depression to Triumph

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In this thought-provoking episode, Todd engages with yoga teacher and champion Jordan Lydia Verla, uncovering her journey from beginnings in Utah to her transformational expeditions in Seattle and beyond. This conversation shares Jordan’s story, exploring not only her personal adventures but also her deep connection to yoga’s physical and spiritual aspects.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Jordan’s yoga journey is deeply intertwined with her personal growth and overcoming challenges, including moving cities and dealing with anxiety and depression.
  • The 84 Classic Asana series plays a significant role in Jordan’s yogic and teaching life, demonstrating the balance of strength and vulnerability in practice.
  • Jordan shares a refreshing perspective on the yoga competition, addressing the human element of competitiveness and its natural occurrence in growth and self-improvement.

Embracing the Challenge: Insights from the Yoga Journey of Jordan Lydia Verla

The pursuit of spiritual and physical wellness often leads individuals down diverse paths. For some, this may include the rigorous discipline of competitive yoga or the gentle embrace of yin practices. Jordan Lydia Verla, a dedicated yogini, educator, and healer, recently shared her profound journey in the expansive world of yoga. Through her tale, we unearth vital lessons on the synergies between competitiveness and self-acceptance, the therapeutic nature of challenging the body and mind, and the earnest quest for personal evolution.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Yin and Yang of Yoga: Jordan’s tale melds the intensity of competitive yoga with the tranquility of yin practices, illustrating a balanced pursuit of personal growth.
  • Competition as a Catalyst for Self-Discovery: Insights on how engaging in competitive yoga can serve as a means to transcend personal limits and foster a champion’s mindset.
  • Nature’s Influence on Healing: Jordan’s account of her time in Joshua Tree highlights nature’s power to facilitate deep introspection and emotional release.

The Symbiosis of Stamina and Serenity in Yoga Practice

Yoga often conjures images of serene settings and tranquil minds, yet Jordan Lydia Verla’s experience paints a picture of a journey balanced with both vigor and vulnerability. Jordan juxtaposes her intense preparation for the yoga championships with her dedication to yin yoga and yoga nidra, reflecting the concept of embracing both fiery passion and soothing stillness.

Competitive Yoga: A Quest for Inner Triumph

The world of competitive yoga, according to Jordan, is not about besting others but about surpassing personal boundaries. She describes the competitions as “…not necessarily like yoga spirituality. We’re not judging somebody more spiritual or not in that context.” Her commitment to competitive yoga, involving intense training and international competitions, showcased a blend of self-discovery, vulnerability, and unwavering resolve.

Yin Yoga and Energy Healing: The Softening of Strength

Besides her athletic feats, Jordan delves into yin yoga – a practice characterized by lengthening, introspective holds. Her approach to yin underpins her broader philosophy of embracing gentleness alongside effort. For Jordan, yin yoga is not merely about physical alignment but a path to release and realign suppressed energy. This nurturing practice, combined with her work in energy healing and tarot, signifies her investment in holistic wellness.

The Champion Mindset: Nurturing Tenacity Beyond the Mat

Jordan’s candid reflection on her victories and stumbles in yoga competitions offers visceral insights into the psyche of a committed practitioner. The competitive realm serves as an allegory for life’s broader struggles, reminding us of the importance of resilience.

Rising After the Fall: Embracing Discomfort for Growth

“If I had gotten what I wanted years ago, I wouldn’t be the type of person or the type of yogi or type of leader that I am today,” Jordan observed. She emphasizes how persistent effort, despite failures, shapes character. Acknowledging that “failure has only ever made me limitless,” Jordan sheds light on the transformative potential of embracing and learning from setbacks.

The Paradox of Competition in a Collaborative Space

She brings nuance to the concept of competition, noting that it exists in harmony with the intrinsic human tendency to push boundaries. Jordan reflects, “… you’re choosing to say, like, so what? I’m going to do it anyway.” Encouraging fellow yogis to recognize the duality of competitiveness, she promotes the crucial balance of pushing yourself while cherishing the collective energy of group practice.

Listening to Nature’s Wisdom: Jordan’s Desert Pilgrimage

Jordan unfolds the tale of her personal exodus to Joshua Tree, where isolation and barrenness catalyzed a profound metamorphosis. The desert experience was not just a backdrop but an active participant in her journey, teaching her about the dualities of harshness and kindness, solitude and community, and consumption and creation.

The Desert as a Crucible for Purification

Describing Joshua Tree, Jordan reflects, “It’s a place where you go to empty yourself.” Her narrative reveals the healing properties of nature’s vastness—a place to confront and detoxify the soul. Her visceral description of the desert landscapes paints a vivid picture where nature stands as both, a witness and a healer.

Through Nature’s Lens: A Renewed Sense of Purpose

The desert’s expansive quiet allowed her the space to listen — not just to the natural world but to her own inner dialogue. This environment fostered a reconnection with her physical and spiritual needs, leading to a refreshing clarity on her return to Seattle. Jordan encapsulates this transformation: “Everybody should live in the desert at least once in their life.

Jordan Lydia Verla’s journey underlines a higher philosophy of persistence and acceptance that can be applied both on and off the yoga mat. Her experiences, from addressing the energetic needs through yin and quantum field healing to striving for athletic perfection, serve as a microcosm for the larger human experience. Moreover, Jordan’s narrative illustrates the essential need to confront and embrace our fears, find balance in life’s dualities, and harness the healing power of nature for personal evolution.

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Thank you Bryce Allyn for the show tunes. Check out Bryce’s website: bryceallynband.comand sign up on his newsletter to stay in touch. Listen here to his original music from his bands Boxelder, B-Liminal and Bryce Allyn Band on Spotify.

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