Native Yoga TT Observations

Native Yoga Teacher Training Observations

During the Native Yoga Teacher Training Program, a part of the program process is to complete observation forms. The observations are written after taking a class at NYC and can include any insights that the practitioner is having regarding their own practice and or around the subject of yoga. This process forms an integral part of learning to share yoga with others. One of the greatest skills of a yogi or yogini is the ability to observe clearly and process the information observed so as to be able to make decisions regarding the teaching of others. Below are some of these observations. Each submission is kept anonymous so as to keep it universal. This is not so much about glorifying the individual so much as a look at what yoga can be for those that chose to gaze into this vast arena.

“After an inspiring first weekend of the yoga teacher program I went into my practice with another understanding, or willingness to understand, an even deeper layer of what I am actually doing. I tried to consciously think about what my body was doing, how it was feeling, and where I was feeling it. I also tried to think about the meditative perspectives of the practice and the flow of the breath versus the movement. I had a great practice, and this newfound extra layer of awareness is something that I will try to incorporate in my practice and daily from now on. It certainly gives a new perspective of things.” ~Anonymous

“Really, these last couple of weeks have been so life transforming. It is funny how the pieces of the puzzle just all fall into place as they are supposed to. I think that is a little of what Tim Miller was talking about. Somehow life just happens the way it is supposed, for better or for worse. Not that you shouldn’t push for the better, as that is probably a part of the plan, but when things happen for the worse, that is probably a part of the plan also. Those things(for better or worse) aren’t what define you. They are just things that happen in your life. Maybe they make you happy, maybe sad, and you should not attach yourself to them. The real “enlightened” you is what you are looking for. I think I am search of my real internal peace!!” ~Anonymous

The next Native Yoga Teacher Training begins February 3rd, 2012. Visit for more details about the training.