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What is freedom? According to the dictionary freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. While this explanation can suffice there is so much more to freedom in my opinion.

Freedom is to exist with absence of fear. Freedom is not whether the body is confined to a small or large space but the ability to feel free from fear regardless. Freedom is a state of mind. We can be in the most majestic forrest devoid of all hindrance and distraction and still be worried about the sound of snapping branches from just behind an area we can’t see. Freedom comes from within. It is the careful and delicate cultivation of preservation while at the same time throwing all caution into the wind. Freedom comes at a price. The greatest sacrifice we can offer is the appreciation for another and the ability to give one’s freedom in the hopes that our future generations will experience more of it. 

Can freedom be enjoyed if we had to steal it? The answer is obviously no. The way forward seems to be that we need to try to give freedom to others instead of trying to get freedom for ourselves. The more we attempt to grasp at freedom the more it slips through our fingertips. The more we investigate freedom we find that it is elusive and mysterious and not as simple a subject as once thought. Fear has a way of bringing freedom to light. When looking for freedom it may be better to find fear first. Wherever fear resides is where freedom is busting down the door to embrace it. 

The process of going into our fears is where we are going to find our freedom. Seeking out freedom can be a very nerve shattering and earth quaking experience. Because it requires us to stand bold and stare directly into the perceived threat. The warrior on the edge of battle realizes that freedom is just on the other side of staying alive. This is why some charge forward and others run back. Who is to judge which is correct when we even have enough time to compare the two?

There is hardly any other topic worth considering. Now is the the most important time to offer our love and appreciation to our neighbors than ever before. Freedom isn’t just around the corner for some other day to explore. The opportunity to envelope it is right in front of us here and now. If I attempt to answer the question of what freedom is myself I come to this conclusion? The time I experienced the greatest sense of freedom was when I was at my lowest and someone offered me a hand. I feel the solution most important to focus on today is to just chill out and try to help others and to find freedom in offering simple acts of kindness wherever we can.

Check out our new podcast with Jade Skinner about Freedom and overcoming fear through yoga and paddling.

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