Pam Jones – Living with Purpose & Discovering Your Dharma

Listen to Podcast with Pam for FREE Here

Pam Jones is a yoga teacher and trained Ayurvedic chef. Originally from London, she now resides in Florida. Pam studies under Sri Dharma Mittra and is passionate about sharing her love for yoga with the global community. She is also a certified Ayurvedic nutritionist and enjoys preparing food as a therapeutic and meditative practice. 

Visit Pam’s website and socials at

Key Takeaways:

  • Yoga is a moving meditation and a way to connect with the divine.
  • Understanding our dosha can help us make dietary choices that support our well-being.
  • Practicing concentration and visualization techniques can help develop psychic energy.
  • Death meditation can help us reflect on what is truly important in life.
  • Being kind and compassionate to ourselves and others is essential for a fulfilling life.

“Kindness and compassion are the keys to living a fulfilling life.” – Pam Jones

Native Yoga Toddcast: A Journey of Yoga and Self-Realization


Welcome to the Native Yoga Toddcast, where inspirational speakers in the field of yoga, massage, bodywork, and beyond share their wisdom and experiences. In this episode, we have the pleasure of hearing from Pam Jones, a dedicated yoga teacher and Ayurvedic chef who studied under the renowned Sri Dharma Mittra. Pam takes us on her journey from growing up in London to finding her way to New York City, where she discovered her passion for yoga and self-realization. Through her website,, Pam shares her love for yoga with the global community. Join us as we delve into her story and the insights she has gained along the way.

Key Takeaways

  • Pam’s journey from dance to fashion design led her to a search for something more fulfilling, which eventually led her to yoga and the teachings of Sri Dharma Mittra.
  • The practice of yoga goes beyond the physical asanas, offering a connection to something greater and a path to self-realization.
  • Pam emphasizes the importance of practicing Ahimsa, non-violence, in all aspects of life, including our diet and treatment of all beings.

Exploring the Journey

Pam’s journey into yoga began with a search for something more fulfilling than her previous pursuits in dance and fashion design. She found herself questioning the meaning and purpose of her life, and it was during this time that she discovered yoga. Attending a class at JivaMukti Yoga in London, Pam felt an immediate connection and resonance with the practice. The sequencing and philosophy of the class spoke to her, and she knew she had found her tribe.

It was through her teachers at JivaMukti that Pam first heard of Sri Dharma Mittra. Intrigued by their praise of him as a true master, she decided to travel to New York City to meet him. From the moment she met Sri Dharma, Pam felt a profound sense of humility and devotion emanating from him. His teachings and presence resonated deeply with her, and she knew she had found her teacher.

The Power of Asana and Philosophy

In the beginning, Pam was drawn to the physical aspect of yoga, particularly the asanas. As a dancer, she loved the movement and the challenge of the poses. However, as she continued her practice and delved deeper into the philosophy of yoga, she realized that there was so much more to it than just the physical postures.

Pam describes yoga as a moving meditation, a way to connect with the divine and to go beyond the limitations of the body and mind. Sri Dharma Mittra’s teachings emphasized the idea that all poses are offerings to God, and that the practice of yoga is a way to move beyond the ego and connect with something greater. This shift in perspective allowed Pam to experience a deeper sense of self and a greater connection to the world around her.

The Importance of Diet and Ahimsa

As a trained Ayurvedic chef, Pam understands the importance of diet in maintaining balance and harmony in the body and mind. She follows a vegan diet, not only for health reasons but also as a way to practice Ahimsa, non-violence, towards all beings. Pam believes that all beings love life and fear violence, and it is our responsibility to extend compassion and kindness to all creatures.

In Ayurveda, each person has a unique constitution, or dosha, which determines their physical and mental characteristics. Pam identifies as a Pitta-Kapha type, with a balance of fire and water elements. She emphasizes the importance of eating foods that balance her dosha and support her overall well-being. By nourishing her body with the right foods, she is able to maintain a sense of vitality and energy.

Embracing Impermanence and Self-Realization

One of the key lessons Pam has learned through her yoga practice is the impermanence of life. The realization that everything is constantly changing and that we are not defined by our physical bodies has allowed her to let go of attachments and embrace the present moment. She encourages others to do the same, to live each day as if it were their last and to focus on what truly matters in life.

Pam also emphasizes the importance of self-realization, the process of peeling away the layers of conditioning and discovering our true nature. Through yoga and meditation, we can connect with our inner divinity and find a sense of peace and fulfillment that is not dependent on external circumstances. This journey of self-discovery is ongoing and requires dedication and practice, but the rewards are immeasurable.


Pam Jones’s journey from London to New York City and her discovery of yoga and self-realization is an inspiring testament to the transformative power of the practice. Through her experiences, she has learned the importance of embracing impermanence, practicing Ahimsa, and cultivating a deep connection to oneself and the world around us. As we navigate our own journeys, let us remember the wisdom shared by Pam and strive to live each day with kindness, compassion, and a commitment to self-realization.

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Practice to a New Yoga Class every day with our course called Today’s Community Class with code FIRSTMONTHFREE.

Native Yoga Teacher Training 2024– In Studio and Livestream – for info delivered to your email click this link here: ➡️

Subscribe to Native Yoga Center and view this podcast on Youtube.

Thank you Bryce Allyn for the show tunes. Check out Bryce’s website: bryceallynband.comand sign up on his newsletter to stay in touch. Listen here to his original music from his bands Boxelder, B-Liminal and Bryce Allyn Band on Spotify.

Please email special requests and feedback to info@nativeyogacenter.comSupport the show

Native Yoga website: here
YouTube: here
Instagram: @nativeyoga 
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Facebook: @nativeyogacenter 
LinkedIn: Todd McLaughlin

Susi Amendola ~ The Heart-Mind Connection: How Yoga Can Improve Mental and Emotional Well-being

Listen to podcast with Susi for FREE here

Susi Amendola is a seasoned stress management specialist with over 30 years of experience, serving as a yoga therapist and passionate advocate for holistic wellness. Her extensive background includes the authorship of “The Centered Heart: Evidence-based Mind-Body Practices to Stress Less and Improve Cardiac Health,” where she merges the worlds of conventional health wisdom and yoga’s healing methodologies. 

Visit Susi on her website here:
As a listener of this podcast use code TODDCAST and receive $100 off of the 30 days to Stress Less Challenge. 
Purchase a copy of Susi’s new book here:

Key Takeaways:

  • The impact of traditional yoga practices on reversing heart disease and improving overall wellness.
  • The critical role of the relaxation response in managing stress and achieving restful sleep.
  • Insights into the complex interplay between our thoughts, emotions, physical health, and the environment.
  • Techniques such as visualization and meditation which empower individuals to tap into their inherent healing capabilities.

Unlocking the Power of the Heart: Proven Mind-Body Practices for Stress Management and Cardiac Health

In an insightful and deeply reflective conversation, Susi Amendola, a seasoned stress management specialist and yoga therapist with over 30 years of experience, shares her wisdom on the profound connection between mind-body practices, stress management, and cardiac health. Drawing upon her work and recent authorship, Amendola illuminates the often underappreciated power of yoga, meditation, and the centered heart in fostering healing and preventing disease.

Key Takeaways:

  • Evidence-based Yoga: There is significant research indicating the impact of yoga on reducing stress and improving heart health.
  • Personalized Practices: Yoga therapy adapts to individual needs, recognizing that not all practices suit every person, especially in managing stress and chronic conditions.
  • Power of Imagery: Through guided imagination, individuals can directly influence their health, demonstrating the profound connection between mind and healing.

The Centrality of Evidence-Based Yoga in Health

The modern embrace of yoga for its health benefits has been significantly bolstered by evidence-based research. As Susi Amendola points out, early in her career, scientific support for yoga’s effects on health was scant, particularly in Western contexts. Today, however, there is an abundance of research demonstrating its efficacy.

“It was such a joy to write this book, to actually find evidence-based information to support what we’ve been doing.”

The Omnipresence of Stress and the Yogic Antidote

An undeniable reality of modern life is the ubiquity of stress, linked to worsening health outcomes, including heart disease. Yoga emerges as a powerful antidote, providing tools to navigate life’s pressures while bolstering the body’s resilience. The evidence is clear: regular yoga practice can lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and calm the nervous system, contributing to overall heart health.

Not Just for the Heart: The Whole-Body Benefits

A further revelation from Amendola’s experience is the comprehensive nature of yoga’s benefits. While initially applied in a cardiac health program, the practices yielded improvements across the spectrum of health, touching on issues like diabetes, depression, and beyond.

“A lot of other conditions would improve when people were trying to reverse their heart disease.”

Individual Needs and the Tailoring of Therapeutic Yoga

At heart, yoga therapy is about customization to the individual. The recognition that not every practice serves each person equally is a cornerstone of Amendola’s approach to yoga therapy, particularly when managing stress or chronic illnesses.

The Importance of Adapting Yoga to the Individual

For instance, considering breathing practices for an individual with asthma might necessitate a different approach than for another without such a condition. The yoga therapist adapts, finding alternatives to avoid exacerbating stress, illustrating the nuanced understanding required in this field.

“For someone who has breathing issues, it’s probably better for them… not to focus so much right away on their breathing.”

Empowering the Self-Healers

A significant part of this approach is encouraging self-discovery and empowerment. By tapping into one’s intuition and internal wisdom, individuals may unlock their own paths to healing. Yoga, under Amendola’s philosophy, serves as a guide, not a prescription.

“I think this was a big thing to do at this point in my life to think, ‘Yeah, I think I’ll just write a book and then start traveling and doing more.’ Like it’s a whole nother profession.”

The Power of Imagery in Healing Practices

A theme that surfaced repeatedly in the conversation is the role of imagery in healing. Amendola underlines the potential of guided imagery to directly impact physical health, offering anecdotal evidence of its potency from her work in the heart health program.

Healing Through Visualizing Wellness

Participants engaging in visualizing practices experienced real physiological changes, such as the reopening of blocked arteries. This level of influence marks a divine interplay between the body’s tangible reality and the mind’s creative ability to envisage health.

“…the mind is amazing… It can do so many things in the realm of imagery that it may not be able to do otherwise.”

Imagery for Stress Reduction and Emotional Health

Beyond physical healing, Amendola suggests using imagery for navigating everyday stressors such as anxiety over flying or addressing interpersonal tensions, showcasing its vast applicability.

Seamless Integration: Combining Yoga with Modern Medicine

Amendola’s diverse experience in merging yoga therapy with traditional medicine provides a blueprint for integrating holistic and modern approaches. This creates a pathway for healing that is inclusive, evidence-based, and profoundly compassionate. The centered heart—that core of our being where emotions and health converge—is strengthened through this integrative practice, offering a hopeful vision for the future of healthcare.

“If we can make these small changes, it has a big impact in the world and with the people around us as well.”

As we reconsider our relationship with health, stress, and chronic disease, Amendola’s insights serve as a beacon, guiding us toward a future where the wisdom of ancient practices and the precision of modern medicine harmonize, centered on the powerful and radiant heart. Through her work, we are reminded of the vast potential within us to manage stress, heal our bodies, and ultimately tap into the profound depth of our own centered hearts.

Thanks for listening to this episode. Check out: 👇
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New Student FREE Livestream Yoga Special ~ Try 2 Weeks of Free Unlimited Livestream Yoga Classes  at Native Yoga Center. Sign into the classes you would like to take and you will receive an email 30 minutes prior to join on Zoom. The class is recorded and uploaded to  ➡️  Click Here to Join. 

Practice to a New Yoga Class every day with our course called Today’s Community Class with code FIRSTMONTHFREE.

Native Yoga Teacher Training 2024– In Studio and Livestream – for info delivered to your email click this link here: ➡️

Subscribe to Native Yoga Center and view this podcast on Youtube.

Thank you Bryce Allyn for the show tunes. Check out Bryce’s website: bryceallynband.comand sign up on his newsletter to stay in touch. Listen here to his original music from his bands Boxelder, B-Liminal and Bryce Allyn Band on Spotify.

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LinkedIn: Todd McLaughlin

Jordan Lydia Verla – Healthy Competition: From Depression to Triumph

Listen to podcast with Jordan for FREE Here

In this thought-provoking episode, Todd engages with yoga teacher and champion Jordan Lydia Verla, uncovering her journey from beginnings in Utah to her transformational expeditions in Seattle and beyond. This conversation shares Jordan’s story, exploring not only her personal adventures but also her deep connection to yoga’s physical and spiritual aspects.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Jordan’s yoga journey is deeply intertwined with her personal growth and overcoming challenges, including moving cities and dealing with anxiety and depression.
  • The 84 Classic Asana series plays a significant role in Jordan’s yogic and teaching life, demonstrating the balance of strength and vulnerability in practice.
  • Jordan shares a refreshing perspective on the yoga competition, addressing the human element of competitiveness and its natural occurrence in growth and self-improvement.

Embracing the Challenge: Insights from the Yoga Journey of Jordan Lydia Verla

The pursuit of spiritual and physical wellness often leads individuals down diverse paths. For some, this may include the rigorous discipline of competitive yoga or the gentle embrace of yin practices. Jordan Lydia Verla, a dedicated yogini, educator, and healer, recently shared her profound journey in the expansive world of yoga. Through her tale, we unearth vital lessons on the synergies between competitiveness and self-acceptance, the therapeutic nature of challenging the body and mind, and the earnest quest for personal evolution.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Yin and Yang of Yoga: Jordan’s tale melds the intensity of competitive yoga with the tranquility of yin practices, illustrating a balanced pursuit of personal growth.
  • Competition as a Catalyst for Self-Discovery: Insights on how engaging in competitive yoga can serve as a means to transcend personal limits and foster a champion’s mindset.
  • Nature’s Influence on Healing: Jordan’s account of her time in Joshua Tree highlights nature’s power to facilitate deep introspection and emotional release.

The Symbiosis of Stamina and Serenity in Yoga Practice

Yoga often conjures images of serene settings and tranquil minds, yet Jordan Lydia Verla’s experience paints a picture of a journey balanced with both vigor and vulnerability. Jordan juxtaposes her intense preparation for the yoga championships with her dedication to yin yoga and yoga nidra, reflecting the concept of embracing both fiery passion and soothing stillness.

Competitive Yoga: A Quest for Inner Triumph

The world of competitive yoga, according to Jordan, is not about besting others but about surpassing personal boundaries. She describes the competitions as “…not necessarily like yoga spirituality. We’re not judging somebody more spiritual or not in that context.” Her commitment to competitive yoga, involving intense training and international competitions, showcased a blend of self-discovery, vulnerability, and unwavering resolve.

Yin Yoga and Energy Healing: The Softening of Strength

Besides her athletic feats, Jordan delves into yin yoga – a practice characterized by lengthening, introspective holds. Her approach to yin underpins her broader philosophy of embracing gentleness alongside effort. For Jordan, yin yoga is not merely about physical alignment but a path to release and realign suppressed energy. This nurturing practice, combined with her work in energy healing and tarot, signifies her investment in holistic wellness.

The Champion Mindset: Nurturing Tenacity Beyond the Mat

Jordan’s candid reflection on her victories and stumbles in yoga competitions offers visceral insights into the psyche of a committed practitioner. The competitive realm serves as an allegory for life’s broader struggles, reminding us of the importance of resilience.

Rising After the Fall: Embracing Discomfort for Growth

“If I had gotten what I wanted years ago, I wouldn’t be the type of person or the type of yogi or type of leader that I am today,” Jordan observed. She emphasizes how persistent effort, despite failures, shapes character. Acknowledging that “failure has only ever made me limitless,” Jordan sheds light on the transformative potential of embracing and learning from setbacks.

The Paradox of Competition in a Collaborative Space

She brings nuance to the concept of competition, noting that it exists in harmony with the intrinsic human tendency to push boundaries. Jordan reflects, “… you’re choosing to say, like, so what? I’m going to do it anyway.” Encouraging fellow yogis to recognize the duality of competitiveness, she promotes the crucial balance of pushing yourself while cherishing the collective energy of group practice.

Listening to Nature’s Wisdom: Jordan’s Desert Pilgrimage

Jordan unfolds the tale of her personal exodus to Joshua Tree, where isolation and barrenness catalyzed a profound metamorphosis. The desert experience was not just a backdrop but an active participant in her journey, teaching her about the dualities of harshness and kindness, solitude and community, and consumption and creation.

The Desert as a Crucible for Purification

Describing Joshua Tree, Jordan reflects, “It’s a place where you go to empty yourself.” Her narrative reveals the healing properties of nature’s vastness—a place to confront and detoxify the soul. Her visceral description of the desert landscapes paints a vivid picture where nature stands as both, a witness and a healer.

Through Nature’s Lens: A Renewed Sense of Purpose

The desert’s expansive quiet allowed her the space to listen — not just to the natural world but to her own inner dialogue. This environment fostered a reconnection with her physical and spiritual needs, leading to a refreshing clarity on her return to Seattle. Jordan encapsulates this transformation: “Everybody should live in the desert at least once in their life.

Jordan Lydia Verla’s journey underlines a higher philosophy of persistence and acceptance that can be applied both on and off the yoga mat. Her experiences, from addressing the energetic needs through yin and quantum field healing to striving for athletic perfection, serve as a microcosm for the larger human experience. Moreover, Jordan’s narrative illustrates the essential need to confront and embrace our fears, find balance in life’s dualities, and harness the healing power of nature for personal evolution.

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Practice to a New Yoga Class every day with our course called Today’s Community Class with code FIRSTMONTHFREE.

Native Yoga Teacher Training 2024– In Studio and Livestream – for info delivered to your email click this link here: ➡️

Subscribe to Native Yoga Center and view this podcast on Youtube.

Thank you Bryce Allyn for the show tunes. Check out Bryce’s website: bryceallynband.comand sign up on his newsletter to stay in touch. Listen here to his original music from his bands Boxelder, B-Liminal and Bryce Allyn Band on Spotify.

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LinkedIn: Todd McLaughlin

Rich Ahlers – Men’s Health Crisis: The Need for Mind-Body Connection and Self-Care

Listen to Podcast with Rich for FREE here

Rich Ahlers is a multifaceted professional with over 20 years of experience in healthcare, particularly in the realms of acute care, cardiovascular neurology, and rare and genetic diseases. Rich is deeply involved with the WiseMen Project, a retreat-focused initiative aimed at optimizing men’s health through alternative and holistic methods. 

Visit the Wisemen Project website here:
Visit Rich’s landing page here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding neuroplasticity and neurogenesis is key to personal transformation, and both can be influenced positively through appropriate nutrition, movement, and mindfulness practices.
  • Movement, especially through activities like yoga and qigong, serves as a powerful tool for priming the brain and fostering favorable changes in mind and body.
  • Men’s health faces significant challenges in society due to cultural stigmas and resistance to seeking help, but change is attainable through individual awareness and community support.

Unlocking the Power of Mind and Body: A Deep Dive into Men’s Health and Transformation

Men’s health is a topic riddled with societal expectations and misconceptions, leading to a silent crisis. Within this nuanced space, we uncover the interplay of mind and body, the role of movement and habit formation, and the unseen epidemic facing men’s mental health. Through a profound dialogue with Rich Ahlers, co-founder of the WiseMen Project, we gain insightful perspectives on rewriting life scripts and harnessing the innate power of self-healing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Men possess the inherent capability to rewrite their health and life narratives through simple, yet profound practices.
  • Adopting regular movement, like walking, primes mental clarity and neurogenesis, influencing positive life changes.
  • Men’s mental health is a silent epidemic, but hope glimmers through community support and personal accountability.

The Integral Nature of Movement in Mental Clarity and Health

Movement is not only foundational for physical health, but it stands as a cornerstone in achieving mental clarity and well-being. For men navigating the complexities of life’s stressors, the act of walking serves as both therapy and a gateway to creative insights. Rich Ahlers outlines this practice as critical, explaining, “Go out for a 30-minute walk… Allow the thoughts to come up… after about 10-15 minutes, you will get mental clarity.”

This straightforward ritual showcases how exercise impacts neurogenesis, which in turn, opens avenues for personal growth and health improvement. The critical interdependence between thought and physicality is a theme reverberating through the conversation, resonating with its broader implications in developing resilience, combating mental health struggles, and fostering an environment conducive to change.

Rewriting the Life Script: From Childhood Grooves to Adult Revival

Our formative years shape the bedrock of our perception and response to the world. Ahlers brings to light a profound realization, “By the age of seven, we have already developed our interaction and belief systems around our place on earth.” Unearthing the origins of our deep-seated beliefs, he reminds us that our brain remains an ever-malleable muscle capable of rewiring and healing.

Diving into the implications of neuroplasticity, Ahlers encourages a proactive stance in reshaping our identities, challenging the learned helplessness that may stem from childhood experiences. His candid reflections on overcoming the label of being ‘stupid’, and later proving his prowess through academic excellence, is testament to the transformative power within everyone. The path to changing ingrained neural pathways is demonstrated to be achievable, inspiring and, above all, imperative for personal evolution.

Confronting the Silent Epidemic: Men’s Mental Health in Crisis

In a world where male stoicism often stifles vulnerability, men’s mental health emerges as a silent yet pervasive crisis. “Men are four times more likely to commit suicide,” Ahlers states, painting a stark picture of the challenges men face. This societal paradigm of masculine toughness acts as a straightjacket, impeding men’s pursuit of help and healing.

In response, initiatives like the WiseMen Project illuminate hope for societal healing by cultivating communities and a culture of open dialogue. Addressing men’s mental health is not simply about offering temporary solutions—it’s about dismantling and rebuilding the societal codes that drive men towards isolation. By advocating for shared understanding, Ahlers and his peers spearhead a movement that can redefine masculinity and foster genuine mental health breakthroughs for men.

The conversation between Todd and Rich Ahlers offers more than a snapshot of men’s health—it unfurls a map for self-led renaissance. Our takeaways are clear: the body’s movement can stimulate profound mental shifts, childhood narratives can be reshaped for growth, and the collective culture around men’s mental health is ripe for revolution. Through such enlightenment, the potential for transformation in personal and societal wellness is boundless, beckoning a future of health reclaimed and lives rejuvenated.

Thanks for listening to this episode. Check out: 👇
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New Student FREE Livestream Yoga Special ~ Try 2 Weeks of Free Unlimited Livestream Yoga Classes  at Native Yoga Center. Sign into the classes you would like to take and you will receive an email 30 minutes prior to join on Zoom. The class is recorded and uploaded to  ➡️  Click Here to Join. 

Practice to a New Yoga Class every day with our course called Today’s Community Class with code FIRSTMONTHFREE.

Native Yoga Teacher Training 2024– In Studio and Livestream – for info delivered to your email click this link here: ➡️

Subscribe to Native Yoga Center and view this podcast on Youtube.

Thank you Bryce Allyn for the show tunes. Check out Bryce’s website: bryceallynband.comand sign up on his newsletter to stay in touch. Listen here to his original music from his bands Boxelder, B-Liminal and Bryce Allyn Band on Spotify.

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Native Yoga website: here
YouTube: here
Instagram: @nativeyoga 
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Facebook: @nativeyogacenter 
LinkedIn: Todd McLaughlin

Cindy Lusk ~ Intersection of Yoga Philosophy and Social Psychology

Listen to podcast with Cindy Lusk for FREE here

Cindy Lusk is an experienced yoga teacher, author, and meditation instructor. She has a diverse background in yoga practice and has studied with renowned teachers such as Richard Freeman and John Friend. Cindy is the author of the book “Align and Refine: The Journey of Yoga and Meditation,” which aims to make yoga philosophy accessible and easy to understand for beginners. She is passionate about integrating yoga philosophy into daily life and helping individuals connect with their hearts and minds.

Visit Cindy on her website here:
Purchase her ne book here:

Key Takeaways:

  • Cindy Lusk’s background in social psychology led her to explore yoga philosophy as a means of addressing social issues and understanding human behavior.
  • The intersection of classical yoga and Tantra provides a comprehensive understanding of consciousness and the human experience.
  • Meditation allows individuals to connect with their hearts and minds, leading to personal transformation and a greater sense of interconnectedness.

The Journey of Yoga and Meditation: Insights from Cindy Lusk


Welcome to the Native Yoga Toddcast, where we bring you inspirational speakers in the field of yoga, massage, bodywork, and beyond. In this episode, we have the pleasure of meeting Cindy Lusk, author of “Align and Refine: The Journey of Yoga and Meditation.” Cindy’s goal is to make yoga philosophy approachable and easy to understand for beginners. With her diverse background in yoga practice and studies with renowned teachers, Cindy offers valuable insights into the transformative power of yoga and meditation. Let’s dive into our conversation with Cindy and explore the wisdom she has gained over the years.

Key Takeaways

  • Cindy’s journey from studying social psychology to becoming a yoga teacher highlights the importance of addressing issues at the heart and mind level.
  • The intersection of classical yoga and tantra provides a deeper understanding of consciousness and the potential for personal and societal transformation.
  • Meditation is a powerful practice that can be easily integrated into daily life, leading to profound effects on well-being and self-awareness.

Exploring the Intersection of Yoga Philosophy

Cindy’s journey into yoga philosophy began with a curiosity about the connection between yoga practice and personal transformation. She found herself drawn to the teachings of Richard Freeman, who introduced her to the Ashtanga method. However, as she delved deeper into yoga philosophy, she felt a disconnect between the renunciant path advocated by classical yoga and her own experiences as a householder. This led her to explore tantra, which offered a more inclusive and integrated approach to spirituality.

In tantra, the concept of higher consciousness is emphasized, recognizing that everything is a manifestation of the divine. This perspective allows individuals to amplify their lives as householders and live in alignment with their highest selves. By integrating the teachings of classical yoga and tantra, Cindy found a more holistic understanding of yoga philosophy that resonated with her own experiences and values.

The Power of Meditation

Meditation plays a central role in Cindy’s approach to yoga and spirituality. She believes that meditation is often misunderstood and seen as a practice that takes away from life. However, she argues that meditation can be easily integrated into daily life and has profound effects on one’s well-being and self-awareness.

Through her studies with Paul Muller-Ortega, Cindy learned the practice of Neelakantha meditation, a mantra-based meditation technique. This practice allows individuals to deepen their awareness and connect with their hearts, leading to a greater sense of peace and clarity. By regularly meditating, one can refine their consciousness and recognize the divinity within themselves and others.

Addressing Racism and Social Issues

Cindy’s background in social psychology and her experiences growing up during a time of racial tension have shaped her perspective on addressing social issues. She believes that personal transformation is a crucial step in creating societal change. By working on ourselves and connecting with our hearts, we can shift our consciousness and treat others as divine beings.

However, Cindy acknowledges that addressing racism requires more than just individual transformation. Structural issues within society must also be addressed. It is important to recognize our unconscious biases and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable world. By integrating the teachings of yoga philosophy into our lives, we can contribute to the collective shift in consciousness needed to bring about lasting change.


Cindy Lusk’s journey through yoga and meditation offers valuable insights into the transformative power of these practices. By integrating the teachings of classical yoga and tantra, Cindy provides a holistic understanding of yoga philosophy that is accessible and applicable to modern life. Through meditation, individuals can deepen their awareness and connect with their hearts, leading to personal growth and a greater sense of peace. By addressing social issues and working towards personal and societal transformation, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world. Let us embrace the journey of yoga and meditation and discover the profound impact it can have on our lives and the world around us.

Note: This article is based on the Native Yoga Toddcast episode featuring Cindy Lusk. The content has been adapted and expanded for a thought leadership article format.

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Practice to a New Yoga Class every day with our course called Today’s Community Class with code FIRSTMONTHFREE.

Native Yoga Teacher Training 2024– In Studio and Livestream – for info delivered to your email click this link here: ➡️

Subscribe to Native Yoga Center and view this podcast on Youtube.

Thank you Bryce Allyn for the show tunes. Check out Bryce’s website: bryceallynband.comand sign up on his newsletter to stay in touch. Listen here to his original music from his bands Boxelder, B-Liminal and Bryce Allyn Band on Spotify.

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Native Yoga website: here
YouTube: here
Instagram: @nativeyoga 
Twitter: @nativeyoga 
Facebook: @nativeyogacenter 
LinkedIn: Todd McLaughlin