John Denney – Enhancing Athletic Performance With Meditation And The Harmony Exercises

John Denney is the Minister of Unity of Jupiter and a coach for Olympic-level athletes. He has been practicing The Harmony Exercise, a meditation technique, since 1985. John is also a paddleboarding enthusiast and has had the opportunity to surf with some of the world’s best surfers, including Laird Hamilton and Kelly Slater.

Visit John on his website:
Also on his website:

Key Takeaways:

  • Unity Church is a metaphysical Christian church that focuses on practical Christianity and the application of spiritual principles in daily life.
  • The Harmony Exercise is a meditation technique that helps control the body’s physiology through conscious breathing and positive thinking.
  • Most athletes struggle with controlling their temper and tension, but learning to regulate their breath and thoughts can improve their performance.
  • In surfing and other sports, being in a state of flow and surrendering to the power of nature can lead to peak performance.
  • Daily practice and finding inner peace are essential for personal growth and making a positive impact on the world.

Native Yoga Toddcast: A Journey to Harmony and Self-Improvement

Welcome to Native Yoga Toddcast, where we bring you inspirational speakers in the field of yoga, massage, bodywork, and beyond. In this episode, we have the pleasure of hosting John Denney, the Minister of Unity of Jupiter. John is a dedicated practitioner of the Harmony Exercise, a meditation technique he has been practicing for over seven years. He is also a paddleboarding enthusiast and a coach for Olympic-level athletes. Join us as we delve into John’s journey, his insights, and the strategies he employs to help individuals achieve their highest potential.

The Path to Unity Church

John’s journey to becoming the Minister of Unity of Jupiter began with a vision he had for the position. He had been a guest speaker at the church for about a year and had always been drawn to its teachings. After serving on the board for many years and receiving positive feedback from the congregation, he decided to give it a try. Unity Church is a metaphysical Christian denomination that focuses on practical Christianity and the application of spiritual principles in everyday life. John believes that religion should help individuals navigate their relationships, business, and personal challenges, and Unity Church provides a platform for this practical approach to spirituality.

The Harmony Exercise: A Path to Self-Improvement

John’s daily meditation practice, known as the Harmony Exercise, has been a cornerstone of his life since 1985. This meditation technique was taught to him by a man named Carl Writer, who was an astrologer to the stars. The Harmony Exercise involves a 12-minute meditation that focuses on physical and mental relaxation, conscious breathing, and the cultivation of positive thoughts. John and his wife, Barry, have been practicing this meditation together since they first learned it, and it has become a foundation of their marriage.

The Harmony Exercise has had a profound impact on John’s life. He has experienced significant improvements in his physical and mental health, including weight loss and reduced stress levels. He has also noticed a shift in his relationship with alcohol, as his focus on health and well-being became more important than his desire for alcohol. Through his daily practice, John has cultivated a sense of inner peace and happiness that has positively influenced every aspect of his life.

Coaching Olympic-Level Athletes: Controlling Temper and Tension

As a coach for Olympic-level athletes, John has observed a common stumbling block that many athletes face: the inability to control their temper and tension. He believes that most people have never learned how to control their emotions and thoughts effectively. Through his coaching, John teaches athletes the importance of conscious breathing, positive thinking, and emotional regulation. By learning to control their physiology and redirect their thoughts, athletes can perform at their peak and achieve greater success.

John emphasizes the power of conscious breathing in controlling tension and temper. By taking slow, deep breaths, individuals can activate their parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and reduces stress. This simple technique can have a profound impact on an athlete’s performance and overall well-being. John also encourages athletes to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations, as this can shift their mindset and improve their mental state.

The Power of Choice and Unity

John believes that unity and common ground are essential in today’s divided world. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing that we are all moving in the same direction, regardless of our religious or cultural backgrounds. Unity Church incorporates teachings from various religions and emphasizes the common principles found in all faiths. John encourages individuals to choose love over hate and to focus on creating harmony in their relationships and interactions with others.

The Legacy of Harmony and Self-Improvement

As John embarks on his role as the Minister of Unity of Jupiter, he hopes to inspire individuals to cultivate inner peace, happiness, and harmony. His goal is to help individuals become light bearers who radiate positivity and make a difference in the world. John believes that by focusing on personal growth and self-improvement, individuals can create a ripple effect that positively impacts their families, communities, and the world at large.

In conclusion, John Denney’s journey to harmony and self-improvement is a testament to the power of daily practice and the pursuit of inner peace. Through his dedication to the Harmony Exercise and his coaching of Olympic-level athletes, John has witnessed the transformative effects of conscious breathing, positive thinking, and emotional regulation. His role as the Minister of Unity of Jupiter allows him to share these teachings with a wider audience and inspire individuals to live a life of harmony and happiness. By choosing love over hate and focusing on personal growth, individuals can create a positive impact on the world and leave a lasting legacy of unity and self-improvement.

Note: This article is based on a transcript from the Native Yoga Toddcast episode featuring John Denney. All quotes are verbatim and directly from the transcript.

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